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恒大地产被指资不抵债 发紧急公告澄清
money.fjnet.cn 2012-06-25 03:57   来源:中国网    我来说两句


Citron非常高兴有机会在这里与大家分享关于恒大地产集团(股票代码:HK 3333)的研究成果。在历时数月的研究分析之后,我们编写了这份报告,它将向您展示这样一个结论:恒大地产其实已经资不抵债。而在过去,该公司一直向投资人汇报虚假的信息。







Deception on a Grande Scale

Citron Research is pleased to present our analysis of Evergrande Real Estate Group. This research and analysis, compiled over several months, presents the conclusion that HK:3333 is essentially an insolvent company that has consistently presented fraudulent information to the investing public。

We prove this conclusion in the following presentation。

Evergrande is not a story about the “China real estate bubble”; rather it is a tale of a company who has abused the capital markets as well as the generous lending of the Chinese Government in order to enrich one man, aggrandize his personal ego and support his pet projects.

Bribery, excessive spending, and off-balance sheet transactions are the foundation of Evergrande’s financials.

The situation at Evergrande is so murky that, within the last year, even the Chinese MINIstry of Finance fined Evergrande for reporting inaccurate financial statements。

Citron wants to make one thing clear: we do not recommend shorting any of China’s state owned banks or any construction project backed by the Government of China. On the other hand, we believe that Evergrande has misled investors and represents the worst of Chinese neo-capitalism, and therefore represents a good short opportunity in relation to other exposure in the Chinese capital markets。

Whether it be the capital markets, government enforcement, hard or soft landing, the endgame for Evergrande is a certainty; the only uncertainty is the timing。
